Gateways to Presence
Irene Dunlop Irene Dunlop

Gateways to Presence

I have sacred spaces I return to often. Cathedrals made of trees whose limbs form arching buttresses, drawing my vision to God’s grandeur, my heart to praise.

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When we really listen
Irene Dunlop Irene Dunlop

When we really listen

When we choose to really listen to  the heart of God, our own heart or the heart of another has the opportunity to broaden as it recognizes, touches, and joins the flow of the divine.  

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I’m so “greatful”
Irene Dunlop Irene Dunlop

I’m so “greatful”

Gratitude is the recognition of our dependence on that which is beyond us, not solely a thankful response to good things that are happening.

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