Gateways to Presence

I have sacred spaces I return to often. Cathedrals made of trees whose limbs form arching buttresses, drawing my vision to God’s grandeur, my heart to praise. 

Recently, I engaged one of these oft’ trodden paths backwards, descending into the forest instead of beginning with the climb. My eyes focus on the ground in front of me, searching for footing as I make a quick descent. The narrow focus limits my ability to embrace the beauty around me, the presence of God without and within.

Ease is what we long for, but labor is what opens us. Every slow upward step and labored breath opens me. My gaze travels upward, outward to a yellow leaf fluttering in the cool breeze and then a small, delicate mushroom. I become aware of my dependence and interconnectedness with all that surrounds me. I stop to catch my breath, awe fills me.

What opens you to Spirit?

What grounds you in loving connection?


Knowing and Unknowing


When we really listen