Soul Care


Embodied Living

You have found a place your soul longs for, space to cultivate presence, acceptance, healing and growth.

Hi, I’m Irene Dunlop, CSD (she/her)

I host space for you to discover divine love speaking in the unfolding story of your life. We tend the ground of your being together in Spiritual Direction, retreats and other embodied practices. Healing, clarity and centered presence arise from this work.

Creative Meditation—Tend your soul through art

Join Irene and Peggy for an evening of creative meditation. In this hands on session participants use and create art as a way to facilitate reflection, dream casting, self- awareness and gratitude. No art experience is needed. Art is the tool, not the goal. Each session will introduce an art medium, give a few techniques to work with and lead participants through a spacious creative process. This is art/creativity as food for the soul.

“Irene has a wonderful ability to ask good questions. She is an empathetic and quiet listener of the Holy Spirit and me. In my time with Irene, I learned to stop and listen to my body and to the Spirit. I always come away refreshed, more hopeful and grateful for my time with Irene.”

— Karen, directee and recent retiree

I tend my own soul by creating beauty to share with the world.

Fresh garden florals

Visual Art