Spiritual Direction

What is Spiritual Direction?

Spiritual direction or companioning is listening another's soul into disclosure or discovery. Growth and healing emerges in this sacred space. As we become present, we discover divine love speaking through your life—deepening your sense of embodiment.

You will learn to live from the combined wisdom of your head, heart and gut in tune with Spirit.

This trauma informed space honors your inter-connectedness with the natural world and invites you to explore deep yearnings, sit with mystery, voice painful experiences, ask hard questions and sink into your belovedness in the midst of the joy and sorrow of daily living.

Spiritual Direction FAQ

The Space I hold: Together with the Spirit we foster your ability to decipher the wisdom of your embodied experience and connect more fully to the flow of divine love within and around you. Non-judgement, compassion, and curiosity scaffold our time together.

Focus in Our Meetings: Direction times are centered on material or questions you bring, what is stirring within you.
Meeting Format: Direction is available either in-person in Newberg, virtually through Zoom or by phone.
Schedule: We meet as frequently as is helpful for you. Weekly is possible at the beginning. Eventually, direction meetings are spread out with three weeks to a month in between to allow for processing on the journey.
Referrals: I am a trained spiritual director, so will refer psychological, medical and other such issues to professionals in those fields.
Confidentiality: I view our conversations as sacred and will hold them with strict confidence.
Fee: Sliding scale based on household income:

Tier 1 (<$50k/yr) $60

Tier 2 ($50k-99k/yr) $80

Tier 3 ($100k-$199k/yr) $100

Tier 4 (>$200k/yr) $120

My desire is to not allow affordability to be a barrier in receiving spiritual direction.


What others say about Spiritual Direction:

"Spiritual direction gave me a greater trust in my ability to hear God."

- Karen, directee, recent retiree

"Spiritual Direction is a space of discernment and healing."

- Janelle, administrative pastor, wife and mother of 3 (one with ASD)