Embodying Loving Connection

About Irene…

I believe the great mystery, divine love, God is made known in and through the created world. Embodied in Christ and flowing through the sacred stories of all peoples, divine love is always inviting us toward greater freedom and wholeness. Yet many of us are living fragmented lives. Experiences of harm, distorted theology and the pressures of daily life cause us to compartmentalize our understanding of self, God and our bodily experience. We can bring our attention to the flow of divine love in, through and around us. Join me on a journey of re-embodiment.

My family is my joy.

I’d rather be outside than inside.

Books are essential.

I always have a cup of tea in my hand.

The sun is my friend.

Flowers make my heart sing.

In summer, you can find me sailing a small boat on the Salish Sea.

Exploring and holding space for interaction with divine love is my passion.


I understand God’s work in the world as movement toward wholeness and restorative justice. I have a Bachelors of Arts in social work with minors in Christian Ministry and Sociology from George Fox University. I’m a graduate of Richard Rohr’s Living School for Action and Contemplation and a certified spiritual director through the Companioning Center. My work is informed by my Quaker faith, years in ministry and journey to deeper embodiment through yoga. I am intimately acquainted with the harm oft perpetrated by spiritual leaders/institutions and the difficult work of faith deconstruction and healing.


Practices of yoga, chanting scripture, centering prayer, gardening and long walks in the woods are integral to my embodied faith. I love meaningful conversations about the essence of living wisely and well in a complex world, and invite you to be part of the dialog. Reach out today to schedule a no cost 30 minute conversation about how I may be a companion to you as you explore your own embodied journey.

What People Are Saying


“Irene has a wonderful ability to ask good questions. She is an empathetic and quiet listener of the Holy Spirit and me. In my time with Irene, I learned to stop and listen to my body and to the Spirit. I always come away refreshed, more hopeful and grateful for my time with Irene.”

— Karen, directee and recent retiree

“As a pastor, I need safe spaces to process my experience, questions, and longings. The space of spiritual direction Irene holds is so safe I find myself voicing truth I haven’t even consciously acknowledged to myself, let alone any one else.”

— Janelle, administrative pastor, wife and mother of 3 (one on the autism spectrum)